Fish Ecology Laboratory

Fish Ecology Laboratory

This working group is dedicated to studying the assemblages of fish from environments and their relationship with the characteristics of the ecosystem and its social environment. The demographic characteristics of the groups of fish from lagoons, streams and the Río de La Plata and the anthropic impact on the same in pursuit of achieving progress for their conservation, management and use.


In the laboratory we carry out both basic and applied research in the ecology of fish with an emphasis on the structure, function and dynamics of the populations, as well as on aspects related to their diet, reproduction and growth. We analyze the responses of fish stocks under natural conditions and under different degrees and types of land uses and pollution.




To better understand the characteristics of this mortality, it is important to highlight that the species affected (tarpon, pacucito, armado, catfish, bogas, dorado, pirá-pitá and moray eels, among others) inhabit the La Plata Basin and find their limit of distribution in the Río de la Plata, with the default temperature being the variable that limits its latitudinal scope. Another characteristic is that the fish affected were mainly youth, a fact linked to the exceptional success of the breeding event of spring 2023 that the mentioned species had due to the exit from the exceptional drought that the basin went through.




Alonso, F., Terán, G. E., Calviño, P., Serra Alanís, W. S., Montes, M. M., García, I. D. & Casciotta, J. (2024). Expect the unexpected: a new species of killifish from a highly stochastic temporary wetland near Iguazú Falls (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 102(3), 298-314.

– Llompart, F. M.; Maiztegui, T.; Colautti, D. C.; Hudson, R. & Baigún, C. R. M. (2024). Recreational fishing in the lower basin of the Santa Cruz River (Patagonia, Argentina) in the face of damming scenarios. Ecología Austral en prensa.

– Jaureguizar, A. J.; Cortés, F.; Maiztegui, T.; Camiolo, M. D. & Milessi, A. C. (2024) Impact of environmental stressors on the inter-annual small scale fishery yield: a trans ecosystem gillnet fishery under the Rio de la Plata forcing, South America. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

– Alonso, F., Terán, G. E., Serra Alanís, W. S., Calviño, P., Montes, M. M., García, I. D., & Casciotta, J. (2023). From the mud to the tree: phylogeny of Austrolebias killifishes, new generic structure and description of a new species (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 199(1), 280-309.

– Darrigran, G.; Lasso-Alcalá, O.; Villaseñor-Parada, C.; Falco, S.; Maiztegui, T. & Damborenea, C. (2023). Especies acuáticas invasoras. Foro Iberoamericano de los Recursos Marinos y Acuicultura, Baltazar Guerrero, P. M.; González-Henríquez, N.; Rey-Méndez, M.; Alió Mingo, J. J.; Zapatas-Vivenes, E.; de Donato, M. & César Lodeiros (Eds). F. Iberoam. Rec. Mar. Acuic. 11: 23-41. ISBN: 978-84-09-51861-6.

-García, I., García de Souza, J., Plaul, S. E., Miranda, L., & Colautti, D. (2023). Effect of photoperiod and temperature on ovarian maturation in the small characid fish (Cheirodon interruptus). Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 35(4), 935-947.

-García, I. D., Paredes del Puerto, J. M., & Colautti, D. C. (2023). The growth of Cheirodon interruptus (Ostariophysi: Characidae) under aquaculture conditions: implications to mitigate the impact of wild stock exploitation in Pampean wetlands. Aquaculture International, 1-12.

-Montes, M. M., García, I., Del Puerto, J. P., Barneche, J. A., Shimabukuro, M. I., Cardarella, G. R., & de León, G. P. P. (2023). Integrative analysis of new Clinostomum metacercariae (Digenea, Clinostomidae) using COI mtDNA and morphology rises the number of lineages found in South American freshwater fishes. Journal of Helminthology, 97, e85.

– Paredes del Puerto, J. M.; García, I. D.; Maiztegui, T.; Paracampo, A. H.; Rodrigues Capítulo, L.; Garcia de Souza, J. R.; Maroñas, M. E. & Colautti, D. C. (2022). Impacts of land use and hydrological alterations on water quality and fish assemblage structure in headwater Pampean streams (Argentina). Aquatic Sciences, 84(1), 1-15.

-Vercellini, M. C., García, I. D., Rearte, R., Vargas, S., & Montes, M. M. (2023). Eugenol, menthol, and benzocaine as anesthetic and antiparasitic treatments for Cheirodon interruptus (Ostariophysi: Characidae). Aquaculture International, 1-13.

– Maiztegui, T.; Paracampo, A. H.; Liotta, J.; Cabanellas, E.; Bonetto, C. & Colautti, D. C. (2022). Freshwater fishes of the Río de la Plata: current assemblage structure. Neotropical Ichthyology 20(3):e210159.

– Baigún, C. R. F.; Casalinuovo, M.; Quiroga, P.; Riva-Rossi, C.; Colautti, D. C.; Solimano, P.; Bovcon, N.; Maiztegui, T. & Llompart, F. (2022). Fish and Fisheries of the Patagonian Steppe. Freshwaters and Wetlands of Patagonia, Gabriela Mataloni y Rubén D. Quintana (Eds). Springer Nature Switzerland, 351-406 pp. ISSNe: 2662-3463 ISSN 2662-3471.

– Paredes del Puerto, J. M.; Paracampo, A. H.; García, I. D.; Maiztegui, T.; Garcia de Souza, J. R.; Maroñas, M. E. & Colautti, D. C. (2021). Fish assemblages and water quality in pampean streams (Argentina) along an urbanization gradient. Hydrobiologia, 848(19), 4493- 4510.

– Paredes del Puerto, J. M.; García, I. D.; Jensen, R. F.; Maiztegui, T.; Paracampo, A. H.; García de Souza, J. R.; Maroñas, M. E. & Colautti, D. C. (2020) Caracterización de la avifauna e ictiofauna asociada a los bañados de desborde fluvial de cuatro arroyos pampeanos con uso de suelo contrastante (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Biología Acuática, 35, 1-14.

-Alonso, F., Terán, G. E., Aguilera, G., Říčan, O., Casciotta, J., Serra, W. S., … & Mirande, J. M. (2019). Description of a new species of the Neotropical cichlid genus Gymnogeophagus Miranda Ribeiro, 1918 (Teleostei: Cichliformes) from the Middle Paraná basin, Misiones, Argentina. Plos One, 14(2), e0210166.

“Crecimiento del pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes, 1835), en cultivo y en poblaciones silvestres: un meta-análisis”

El cultivo de pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes, 1835), desarrollado en Argentina, permite la obtención de huevos y larvas provenientes de reproductores criados en tanques. No obstante, su acuicultura masiva aún no se ha consolidado, entre otras cosas, por el crecimiento lento de la especie.

Nueva publicación del Laboratorio de Ictiofisiología y Acuicultura en conjunto con el Instituto de Limonogía “Dr. Raúl A, Ringuelet (CONICET – UNLP) y la Estación HIdrobiológica de Chascomús.


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